
Monday, July 8, 2013

Unhealthy drinks

Diet soda
  • Obesity
Artificial sweeteners allow to enter your bloodstream much quicker than those with sugar, thus people consume diet foods might be more likely to obese.
  • Cell damage
Diet soda contains mold inhibitors which normal soda don’t have. The chemicals contains inside of mold inhibitors have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA.
Mold inhibitors- it contains chemicals that keep mold from growing on a variety of food products.
  • Rotting teeth
Soda is an acidic drink with a pH level of 3.2.(As a reference, pH 1 is most acidic, while pH 7 is for water) The high level of acid would cause rotting to the teeth, a diet soda does not means it have lesser acidic contain in it.
  • Reproductive issues
Diet or not, soft drink cans are coated with endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA), which linked everything from heart disease to obesity to reproductive problems and can also lead to cancer.
  • Kidney problem
  • Messed-up metabolism

Fruit juice

Fruit is relatively low in calories when comparing with many other foods, however it is high in sugar. However, just a small glass of juice you will realize just how much apples or oranges needed. For example, normally we would not eat five oranges at once, but this is what you are consuming from a small glass of fruit juice. Therefore, it is recommended to eat your fruits raw.



  1. This is interesting. I shouldn't drink so much soft drink from now on haha(:
    Can i ask if there is any bad effects for drinking too much fruit drinks?

  2. Yes it will have bad effect on you if you drink too much fruit juice a day, as long as you moderate your drinking of fruit juice it won't do you any harm.
